Purple Bouquet Brooch Bouquet Broach
$255.00 USD
Purple Bouquet, Brooch Bouquet, Broach Bouquet, Woodland Flowers, Lavender Silver Bouquet, Wedding Flowers, Bridal Bouquet
This bouquet is sold but I can make one similar to it
This romantic lavender bouquet was created using purple and lavender faux flowers and vintage rhinestone brooches and jewelry. Soft purple and white tulle cradle the lavender and purple flowers creating an airy and elegant touch.
We also make bridesmaids bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres
This bouquet is sold but I can make one similar to it
This romantic lavender bouquet was created using purple and lavender faux flowers and vintage rhinestone brooches and jewelry. Soft purple and white tulle cradle the lavender and purple flowers creating an airy and elegant touch.
We also make bridesmaids bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres
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